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Title List

Antebellum Period, Parts 1 and 2, 1843-1860
Newspaper Title City State Start Date End Date Issues Available
Age Augusta ME 1843-01-06 1856-12-25 253
Albany Argus Albany NY 1844-01-02 1855-04-17 288
Albany Evening Journal Albany NY 1843-01-01 1860-12-31 5,565
Alexandria Gazette Alexandria VA 1843-01-02 1860-12-31 5,561
Alta California San Francisco CA 1850-06-01 1859-12-05 106
Annapolis Gazette Annapolis MD 1854-09-28 1860-09-06 309
Arkansas Intelligencer Van Buren AR 1845-02-15 1858-10-01 113
Arkansas Whig Little Rock AR 1851-05-22 1855-05-24 144
Atlantic Journal May's Landing NJ 1859-10-13 1860-12-14 26
Auburn Journal and Advertiser Auburn NY 1843-01-04 1846-12-30 195
Barre Gazette Barre MA 1843-01-06 1860-12-28 612
Barre Patriot Barre MA 1844-07-26 1855-11-30 558
Bellows Falls Gazette Bellows Falls VT 1843-01-07 1851-05-30 340
Beobachter Am Egg Harbor River Egg Harbor City NJ 1858-10-02 1858-12-25 11
Berkshire County Whig Pittsfield MA 1843-01-05 1849-02-22 321
Boston Courier Boston MA 1843-01-02 1860-12-31 1,006
Boston Daily Advertiser Boston MA 1860-01-03 1860-12-31 406
Boston Evening Transcript Boston MA 1843-01-02 1856-12-31 4,161
Boston Post Boston MA 1843-11-17 1860-12-27 280
Boston Recorder Boston MA 1843-01-05 1860-12-27 940
Cabinet Schenectady NY 1843-01-03 1858-06-01 751
California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences San Francisco CA 1857-01-23 1860-12-28 87
California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences Sacramento CA 1854-01-12 1857-01-16 110
California Gazette Benicia CA 1851-03-29 1852-02-21 40
Californian Monterey CA 1846-08-15 1846-08-15 1
Carolina Observer Fayetteville NC 1860-02-20 1860-12-10 32
Cecil Democrat Elkton MD 1845-04-12 1845-04-12 1
Centinel Of Freedom Newark NJ 1843-01-03 1860-12-25 448
Charleston Courier Charleston SC 1843-01-02 1860-12-29 4,412
Charleston Mercury Charleston SC 1854-01-02 1860-12-27 1,279
Cherokee Sentinel Rusk TX 1856-05-17 1857-03-28 25
Chicago Daily Times Chicago IL 1855-01-16 1856-05-02 28
Chicago Times Chicago IL 1854-11-02 1859-01-13 52
Cincinnati Daily Gazette Cincinnati OH 1845-01-01 1845-06-25 151
Civilian Galveston TX 1843-01-11 1845-12-06 27
Columbian Register New Haven CT 1843-04-29 1860-12-29 292
Columbus Tri-Weekly Enquirer Columbus GA 1855-11-27 1858-09-21 437
Commercial Advertiser New York NY 1843-01-04 1860-12-31 3,054
Connecticut Courant Hartford CT 1843-01-07 1860-12-29 792
Connecticut Gazette New London CT 1843-03-22 1844-05-29 2
Connecticut Herald New Haven CT 1843-08-19 1853-12-10 9
Constitution Middletown CT 1843-01-04 1860-12-26 810
Constitution Washington (DC) DC 1859-04-13 1860-12-29 425
Constitution Washington (DC) DC 1844-10-22 1845-01-25 5
Copway's American Indian New York NY 1851-08-23 1851-09-06 2
Daily Alabama Journal Montgomery AL 1849-04-14 1853-12-31 797
Daily Atlas Boston MA 1843-01-02 1857-04-11 4,192
Daily Confederation Montgomery AL 1858-05-01 1860-07-17 643
Daily Constitutionalist Augusta GA 1852-07-01 1860-12-30 40
Daily Delta New Orleans LA 1846-06-17 1860-06-30 75
Daily Democratic State Journal Sacramento CA 1853-08-26 1858-04-30 928
Daily Globe Washington (DC) DC 1848-12-05 1859-03-25 1,738
Daily Globe San Francisco CA 1857-01-01 1858-08-14 554
Daily Herald New Haven CT 1843-01-03 1843-12-30 285
Daily Madisonian Washington (DC) DC 1843-01-02 1845-04-29 648
Daily Missouri Republican St. Louis MO 1849-03-03 1858-12-31 2,226
Daily National Intelligencer Washington (DC) DC 1843-01-02 1860-12-31 7,291
Daily Ohio State Journal Columbus OH 1844-03-08 1860-11-20 24
Daily Ohio Statesman Columbus OH 1847-08-11 1860-12-31 3,215
Daily Placer Times and Transcript San Francisco CA 1852-06-28 1855-12-04 1,005
Daily True Delta New Orleans LA 1857-05-23 1860-12-30 372
Dallas Weekly Herald Dallas TX 1855-12-08 1860-12-26 134
Davenport Democrat and Leader Davenport IA 1857-10-01 1857-12-31 69
Delaware State Reporter Dover DE 1853-06-17 1859-10-14 376
Democratic Standard Portland OR 1854-08-30 1859-02-16 6
Der Wochentliche Unzeiger Egg Harbor City NJ 1859-06-04 1859-08-06 9
Deseret News Salt Lake City UT 1851-01-11 1860-12-26 135
Easton Gazette Easton MD 1843-01-07 1860-12-29 404
Easton Star Easton MD 1844-01-02 1860-07-24 753
Egg Harbor Aurora Egg Harbor City NJ 1860-08-18 1860-11-28 13
Egg Harbor Beobachter Egg Harbor City NJ 1859-01-13 1859-04-28 13
Egg Harbor Pilot Egg Harbor City NJ 1860-03-22 1860-12-29 39
Emancipator and Republican Boston MA 1843-01-05 1850-12-26 413
Evening Post New York NY 1843-01-03 1860-12-31 4,685
Farmer's Cabinet Amherst NH 1843-01-06 1860-12-28 1,263
Floridian and Journal Tallahassee FL 1849-01-06 1860-12-22 447
Folio Honolulu HI 1855-11-16 1855-11-16 1
Frederick Douglass' Paper Rochester NY 1847-12-03 1860-02-17 237
Friend Honolulu HI 1844-01-01 1860-12-01 261
Galveston Weekly News Galveston TX 1851-03-18 1851-09-09 16
Gloucester Telegraph Gloucester MA 1843-01-04 1851-12-31 962
Hallowell Gazette Hallowell ME 1860-11-03 1860-12-29 8
Hampshire Gazette Northampton MA 1843-01-03 1843-12-26 52
Harford Gazette and General Advertiser Bel Air MD 1848-05-27 1852-05-21 201
Hartford Daily Courant Hartford CT 1843-06-28 1860-11-23 32
Hartford Times Hartford CT 1858-08-10 1858-08-10 1
Hillsborough Recorder Hillsborough NC 1843-06-22 1860-10-24 150
Houston Tri-weekly Telegraph Houston TX 1860-08-28 1860-12-27 37
Hudson River Chronicle Sing-Sing NY 1843-01-03 1850-09-17 365
Huntress Washington (DC) DC 1847-02-27 1847-02-27 1
Huntsville Item Huntsville TX 1856-01-05 1860-03-16 13
Indiana State Journal Indianapolis IN 1846-06-24 1856-11-27 4
Jackson Citizen Jackson MI 1849-08-15 1860-02-23 516
Jamestown Journal Jamestown NY 1843-01-05 1860-12-28 493
Jeffersonian Democrat Monroe WI 1856-08-14 1857-03-26 24
Jeffersonian Republican Charlottesville VA 1855-04-19 1855-08-30 2
Jeffersonian Republican New Orleans LA 1844-12-21 1847-03-30 454
Lake Superior Miner Ontonagon MI 1855-10-06 1859-09-10 129
Ledger and Texan San Antonio TX 1853-01-06 1860-12-29 234
Liberator Boston MA 1843-01-06 1860-12-31 941
Litchfield Republican Litchfield CT 1846-09-24 1856-06-13 427
Lowell Daily Citizen and News Lowell MA 1856-04-28 1860-12-31 1,434
Madisonian for the Country Washington (DC) DC 1843-07-10 1845-03-25 71
Maine Cultivator and Hallowell Gazette Hallowell ME 1843-01-07 1860-04-28 365
Manufacturers' and Farmers' Journal Providence RI 1843-11-09 1857-12-28 31
Massachusetts Spy Worcester MA 1843-01-04 1860-12-26 940
Mercury  New York NY 1847-11-04 1847-11-04 1
Milwaukee Sentinel Milwaukee WI 1843-01-04 1860-12-17 4,545
Minnesota Pioneer St. Paul MN 1849-04-28 1853-01-20 69
Mississippi Free Trader Natchez MS 1844-11-20 1854-03-28 383
Missouri Courier Hannibal MO 1849-01-18 1854-12-28 205
Morning News New London CT 1844-11-08 1848-04-25 1,073
Mystic Pioneer Mystic CT 1859-03-12 1860-03-03 52
Nacogdoches Chronicle Nacogdoches TX 1852-08-07 1854-10-17 89
Nantucket Inquirer Nantucket MA 1848-01-08 1849-12-31 264
National Aegis Worcester MA 1843-01-04 1857-10-31 771
National American Bel Air MD 1856-09-05 1860-06-22 51
National Era Washington (DC) DC 1847-01-07 1859-12-29 825
Nauvoo Expositor Nauvoo IL 1844-06-07 1844-06-07 1
New Albany Daily Ledger New Albany IN 1854-02-11 1860-09-15 1,815
New Bedford Register New Bedford MA 1843-01-04 1846-01-06 87
New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette Concord NH 1843-01-05 1860-12-26 1,167
New Hampshire Sentinel Keene NH 1843-01-04 1855-12-28 545
New London Daily Chronicle New London CT 1848-04-26 1860-12-31 2,534
New London Daily Star New London CT 1859-09-20 1860-08-16 2
New London Democrat New London CT 1845-03-21 1852-12-25 406
New Orleans Daily Creole New Orleans LA 1856-07-01 1856-12-31 155
New York Herald New York NY 1844-10-15 1860-12-31 1,874
New York Ledger New York NY 1856-04-19 1860-12-29 233
New York Semi-Weekly Express New York NY 1849-08-10 1852-02-27 5
New York Tribune New York NY 1856-01-01 1860-12-31 1,543
New-Bedford Mercury New Bedford MA 1843-01-06 1857-12-25 378
New-Hampshire Gazette Portsmouth NH 1843-01-03 1851-12-30 925
Newburyport Herald Newburyport MA 1843-01-02 1847-03-19 335
Newport Mercury Newport RI 1843-01-07 1860-12-29 936
Norfolk Democrat Dedham MA 1843-01-06 1854-09-15 636
North American Philadelphia PA 1843-01-02 1860-12-31 5,584
North Star Danville VT 1844-06-17 1846-09-07 5
Northern Islander St. James MI 1850-12-12 1856-06-20 77
Norwich Aurora Norwich CT 1843-05-17 1860-04-07 120
Norwich Courier Norwich CT 1843-01-04 1860-08-16 177
Norwich Morning Bulletin Norwich CT 1860-10-16 1860-11-23 24
Ohio State Journal Columbus OH 1843-01-04 1860-10-09 780
Ohio Statesman Columbus OH 1843-01-02 1852-11-02 810
Pacific Commercial Advertiser Honolulu HI 1856-07-02 1860-12-27 239
Painesville Telegraph Painesville OH 1845-01-01 1845-08-13 16
Pennsylvania Freeman Philadelphia PA 1844-05-09 1854-06-15 252
Pensacola Gazette Pensacola FL 1843-01-07 1856-03-29 106
People's Advocate New London CT 1843-01-04 1848-04-26 277
Pilot Egg Harbor City NJ 1858-12-18 1859-03-19 13
Plattsburgh Republican Plattsburgh NY 1843-01-07 1860-12-29 463
Polynesian Honolulu HI 1846-04-11 1858-09-11 122
Portage County Democrat Ravenna OH 1854-04-05 1855-03-28 52
Portland Daily Advertiser Portland ME 1845-05-27 1859-07-16 524
Portland Weekly Advertiser Portland ME 1843-01-02 1859-12-27 895
Portsmouth Journal of Literature and Politics Portsmouth NH 1843-01-07 1860-12-29 989
Press Philadelphia PA 1857-08-01 1858-01-30 154
Providence Evening Press Providence RI 1859-03-14 1860-12-31 559
Public Ledger Philadelphia PA 1843-01-02 1860-12-31 5,880
Reading Adler Reading PA 1843-01-03 1860-12-25 943
Red-Lander San Augustine TX 1843-10-07 1847-08-07 23
Republic Washington (DC) DC 1849-07-04 1851-07-31 111
Republican Farmer Bridgeport CT 1843-01-03 1860-04-20 388
Richmond Daily Whig Richmond VA 1847-09-28 1857-03-28 10
Richmond Enquirer Richmond VA 1845-06-02 1845-11-14 137
Richmond Whig Richmond VA 1843-01-03 1860-12-28 1,767
Rondout Freeman Rondout NY 1845-07-19 1847-09-18 109
Rusk Pioneer Rusk TX 1849-04-04 1849-11-07 12
Sacramento Weekly Union Sacramento CA 1851-10-31 1853-04-15 14
Salem Gazette Salem MA 1849-08-17 1849-12-29 58
Salem Observer Salem MA 1845-07-12 1860-12-29 378
Salem Register Salem MA 1843-01-02 1860-12-31 1,758
San Francisco Bulletin San Francisco CA 1855-10-08 1860-12-31 1,613
San Francisco Evening Journal San Francisco CA 1852-05-31 1854-05-13 100
San Joaquin Republican Stockton CA 1855-10-27 1860-12-08 240
Sandusky Register Sandusky OH 1848-04-24 1860-12-31 3,018
Sandwich Island News Honolulu HI 1846-09-02 1846-12-23 15
Saturday Evening Gazette Boston MA 1856-09-20 1859-03-26 126
Saturday Morning Citizen Beverly MA 1858-10-13 1860-12-15 22
Savannah Republican Savannah GA 1849-01-01 1851-12-31 922
Sociale Republik New York NY 1858-04-24 1860-05-26 109
Southern Aegis Bel Air MD 1857-07-11 1857-12-26 25
Southern Beacon Henderson TX 1859-01-15 1859-07-02 12
Southern Intelligencer Austin TX 1856-08-27 1860-04-04 133
Spectator New York NY 1843-01-04 1851-09-29 857
St. Albans Messenger St. Albans VT 1843-12-06 1860-12-27 904
St. Paul Daily Pioneer St. Paul MN 1854-09-23 1857-12-31 648
Standard Clarksville TX 1843-01-07 1860-11-22 758
Star State Patriot Marshall TX 1852-03-20 1852-10-23 24
Sun Pittsfield MA 1843-01-05 1859-12-29 1,030
Sun Baltimore MD 1843-01-02 1860-12-31 5,549
Sunday Delta New Orleans LA 1856-09-28 1860-03-25 54
Telescope Manchester NH 1849-01-13 1849-10-13 29
Temperance Advocate Honolulu HI 1843-01-01 1843-12-02 17
Texas State Gazette Austin TX 1853-08-06 1860-12-29 290
Texas Union San Augustine TX 1847-10-16 1848-04-01 21
Times Hartford CT 1843-01-07 1860-03-31 270
Trenton State Gazette Trenton NJ 1847-01-12 1860-12-29 3,866
Trinity Advocate Palestine TX 1857-04-22 1860-12-12 109
True Sun New York NY 1847-05-24 1848-02-25 19
Vermont Centinel Burlington VT 1843-01-06 1850-07-12 31
Vermont Gazette Bennington VT 1843-01-03 1847-02-16 215
Vermont Gazette Bennington VT 1847-03-17 1848-12-27 69
Vermont Gazette Bennington VT 1847-05-04 1850-10-10 161
Vermont Journal Windsor VT 1844-06-20 1856-05-30 465
Vermont Phoenix Brattleboro VT 1843-01-06 1850-12-27 279
Victoria Advocate Victoria TX 1848-01-20 1851-11-08 114
Wabash Courier Terre Haute IN 1844-03-30 1853-01-01 150
Wachusett Star Barre MA 1847-11-23 1848-06-20 31
Washington Reporter Washington PA 1843-04-22 1860-12-27 1,031
Washington Review and Examiner Washington PA 1853-06-04 1856-12-06 183
Washington Sentinel Washington DC 1853-10-02 1855-03-24 431
Weekly Alta California San Francisco CA 1850-10-05 1854-12-30 28
Weekly California Express Marysville CA 1857-11-07 1859-10-29 87
Weekly Champion and Press Atchison KS 1858-02-20 1860-12-29 145
Weekly Civilian Cumberland MD 1859-03-17 1860-12-27 89
Weekly Council Bluffs Bugle Council Bluffs IA 1855-01-12 1860-12-26 133
Weekly Eagle Brattleboro VT 1847-08-10 1852-12-09 602
Weekly Eastern Argus Portland ME 1843-08-01 1856-04-10 5
Weekly Herald New York NY 1844-08-24 1857-12-26 344
Weekly Houston Telegraph Houston TX 1843-01-04 1860-08-21 263
Weekly Journal Galveston TX 1852-03-19 1852-11-05 25
Weekly Pacific News San Francisco CA 1849-12-31 1851-05-15 18
Weekly Picayune New Orleans LA 1859-04-27 1859-06-27 3
Weekly St. Louis Pilot St. Louis MO 1855-01-06 1856-11-15 95
Weekly Wisconsin Patriot Madison WI 1854-07-08 1860-12-29 333
Whaleman's Shipping List and Merchants' Transcript  New Bedford MA 1843-03-17 1860-12-25 928
Wisconsin Chief Fort Atkinson WI 1857-01-21 1860-12-12 106
Wisconsin Chief Auburn NY 1849-01-04 1856-07-15 362
Wisconsin Daily Patriot Madison WI 1859-09-10 1860-12-31 398
Wisconsin Democrat Madison WI 1846-01-10 1852-05-08 231
Wisconsin Democrat Madison WI 1843-01-03 1844-03-07 54
Wisconsin Free Democrat Milwaukee WI 1845-09-09 1860-11-28 443
Wisconsin State Journal Madison WI 1857-03-10 1857-03-10 1
Wooster Republican Wooster OH 1853-06-16 1860-12-27 322

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