Unearthing the Gems in JPRS Reports: Comments from Christopher C. Brown
Posted on 09/04/2012
We recently received a short note from Christopher C. Brown, Professor, Reference Technology Integration Librarian and Government Documents Librarian, at the University of Denver’s Penrose Library. With his permission, here are his thoughts on the newly launched digital edition of Joint Publications Research Service Reports, 1957-1995:
A long time ago the University of Denver was a depository for several Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) series, a fact long-since forgotten now that all our documents are in a safe-and-secure remote storage facility. Brief MARC records cannot possibly capture the wealth of translated information found in this information-rich complement to Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) documents. But the Readex digital edition of JPRS Reports will unearth the rich scientific and cultural gems from the USSR and Eastern bloc countries, China, Vietnam, and other areas of concern from the late 1950s through the early 1990s. Not only will scientific information be found in these documents (“Problems of Space Biology”), but also matters of cultural and sociological significance (“Summary of the Polish Provincial Press” and “Soviet Transportation” are among the series-within-series publications). JPRS Reports, 1957-1995 should be considered a hidden source for selected statistics and yet another place for genealogists to check. Our internationalists will greatly benefit from this historic archive.
For more information about the Readex digital edition of JPRS Reports, or to request a free trial for your institution, please contact readexmarketing@readex.com.